What is findom actually? Many of you don’t know the meaning of FINDOM. This word comes from a combination of two words: FINANCIAL DOMINATION = FINDOM. This can be translated by having a Female Dominatrix to control your finances, your budget and even to send tributes or occasional gifts to your mistress as a sign of appreciation.
Don’t get too happy about it as this is a highly sensitive topic, to say the least.
Let’s start by going through one’s mind. When you hear the term FINDOM, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you think that FINDOM is something bad or good? Have you ever heard about FINDOM before reading this post?
As you already know, as in any other aspects of life, there are educated people and those who aren’t. FinDom should be compared to something like Financial Consultants. You search the market and you hire one consultant, the one that you feel most comfortable with. The same principle applies when talking about FinDom.
Before running all into this FinDom thing, you need to already have the answers to some (if not all) of the questions below:
1. What are your goals?
2. What are you looking for in the other person (the Mistress you are ready to get into this Financial Domination)?
3. Do you really have this fantasy or is it that you want to give it a try for the love or passion you might have for another person?
4. What is your budget?
5. How far do you really want to go with this? Are you aware of all the aspects regarding this?
You may think the above questions take the fun out of it. I promise it won’t. In the long run you are going to be happy you analyzed this. It will make it quite clear if this is the kink for you, if you can afford it, and help keep you from being ruined or bankrupt. It is highly advisable and important for you to answer to these questions as FinDom may get your ruined or bankrupt if you don’t find the right person. You might want to do a little research on the FinDomme (mistress) before going to action.
I am honest and I want to explain how I deal with the slaves who want to go into FinDom with me. First of all, I don’t want to ruin my finsubs (my financial slaves). So, there is no reason for me to want to bankrupt them. Why would I want that? Why would anyone wish that? I need my slaves to be well on all the aspects like financially, physically and most of all mentaly!
As a mistress, you want your income to be continuous. So, how can a sub (slave) serve me well if I have bankrupted him? He wouldn’t be able to do so, and that is something no mistress would wish for.
What do I do in order to prevent the bankrupcy of my subs?
1. We go over the budget
– this way I know what the monthly income ratio of my slave is.
This way, I make sure that I know the disposable income so that I wouldn’t exceed that amount so my financial slave would be safe.
2. Budget = set, now let’s go to expectations and minimum income
People work in different places and are being paid different. So, they don’t earn the same amount of money. I, as a FinDomme, have the responsibility to fulfill his fantasy on the FinDom but I also need to make sure that this fantasy won’t cost him too much, so that he would be safe on the short and long term. A nice way to go into FinDom is to receive a tribute, a sign of appreciation from my subs once a week. And I am not talking of huge amounts of money. This needs to come from the sub himself, according to his financial power. Knowing his budget and monthly income, I can be aware of wether he does all his best or if he is just cheap, trying to take advantage of me and that is when everything stops. So, in my opinion is all about the sacrifice the sub makes for me, and not in the amount.
3. Contingencies
If your sub is new to you and he already claims he goes through a difficult financial period, then this is surely a red flag you should raise. However, if your sub is with you for a long time now, then this might be an isolated issue and you can understand him as he may need emotional support.
4. Communication
Reading minds is impossible so you need to turn your attention to communication. You need to inform your slave if you go through a tough time and also you have to be aware of his situation, both financial and most of all emotional. You need to be there for him.
You, as a mistress, want to have as many financial slaves as possible so your income is stable but, at the same time, they have to be able to confide in you, to feel secure around you. Many financial slaves fear that their money can be lost so, the first thing you should always keep in mind is to make an emotional connection with them, to show them that everything is safe and that you make everything as safe as possible for them. Go for a long term relationship between you as a findomme and your financial slave.
If you want to try FinDom with me, email me: MistressAntonella2018@gmail.com